(Buy Online)
As you might imagine, the costs associated with producing the Rumson St. Patrick’s Day Parade are sizable. There are many ways in which you, your business or organization can become a major part of our Parade and help defray these costs. The Parade Committee is offering a number of sponsorships at various price levels, each with its own promotional considerations. Here some of the many benefits of sponsoring the Rumson St. Patrick's Day Parade:
- Access to high demographic attendees, goodwill and an opportunity to once again demonstrate your deep-rooted commitment to the community
- Corporate brand exposure to a broad customer base that creates new sales opportunities;
- Exclusivity as to product or service
- An opportunity to showcase your product and sample the audience
- On-site signage and exposure
- Parade-day sponsor tags from the reviewing stand;
- Exposure to a large group of diversified participants and spectators; and
- Identification in media efforts (electronic & print).
If you are interested in becoming a 2025 Sponsor for the Rumson St. Patrick's Day Parade, you can BUY NOW and pay by credit card, or you can RESERVE NOW – PAY LATER, and you will be invoiced and can pay by check prior to parade day.